
ZenTech is 20 years old!

ZenTech celebrates 20 years of history. If this anniversary is the sign of a journey rich in evolutions and experiences, ZenTech wishes today to make neonatal screening its priority and give a new momentum.

ZenTech management has recently decided to take a radical strategic turn to reinforce its positioning and its strengths in the company’s DNA: neonatal screening. Through its recent actions and future projects, ZenTech demonstrates, once again, that it will never stop reinventing itself to best meet the challenges of tomorrow's global neonatal screening.

A strong baseline

The sale of the Radio Isotopic Assay (RIA) range in 2019 signals the desire to focus on neonatal screening. ZenTech redefines its vision and sets out "to ensure that newborns have a safer life start through early diagnosis".

The mission is therefore self-evident: to design and develop innovative non-invasive diagnostic solutions and services to meet the needs of all those involved in the detection of diseases in children.

 A new CEO

 To help it strengthen its identity, ZenTech management hired in December 2020 the person who will become its new CEO: Christian Becker. German by birth and with a long experience in diagnostics, this salesman at heart becomes a new emblematic figure in the strategic redefinition of ZenTech.

His mission is clear: to help define and orchestrate the projects of today and tomorrow in order to elevate ZenTech to become a champion in neonatal screening.

New technologies

 Mass spectrometry and molecular biology are the latest technological advances. They complement the existing Colorimetric and Enzymatic ranges. ZenTech's products dedicated to neonatal screening can now screen for the so-called "basic" panel of diseases: Congenital Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Hyperplasia, G6PD Deficiency, Galactosemia, Phenylketonuria, Cystic Fibrosis, Biotinidase Deficiency, Leukemia, but also those of the so-called "extended" panel: Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Hemoglobinopathies (including Sickle Cell Disease).

ZenTech is oriented towards the future

Its activities do not stop there because ZenTech also thinks about the future. Its projects are notably technological in scope with the development of a new machine. Indeed, to meet all the needs of the market, a high-capacity analyzer is necessary. The automation team is currently developing a "big machine", fully automated and with a large capacity. Its launch is planned for the second half of 2022 and will enable ZenTech to meet the needs of large neonatal screening laboratories in Europe and the rest of the world.

 From a regulatory perspective, the IVD-R is also a new focus for ZenTech. This new European regulation for all in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices came into force on 26 May 2017 (EU regulation 2017/746) and will replace the current Directive 98/79/EC (IVD D).

A period of 5 years (until 26 May 2022) has been granted to manufacturers of CE marked IVD products to comply. The stakes are therefore high but are fully managed by the establishment of an internal team dedicated to the IVD-R project. It monitors the progress of the project and ensures that deadlines are met.

ZenTech is not getting old!

Even though the company has been in existence for 20 years, it is clear that the desire to surpass oneself and to reinvent itself is still very much present. It conditions the state of mind of all employees. The quest for authenticity and the desire to return to the basics of its identity allows ZenTech to find an innovative and dynamic momentum. ZenTech is first and foremost a human project: to help guarantee a safer start in life for newborns.


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